
Why people didn't play Runescape Beta

 People didn't play Beta because Jagex ignored everyone. Why would I waste my time on the Beta when all of my feedback was tossed in the trash? I played Beta very, very often. Yet, every single idea/suggestion, all of my feedback, all of my bug reports were ignored. Even so, I actively played the Beta because I knew I was going to have to get used to the shoddy system they would try to dish out. Sure enough, they did it, and I was prepared. Sometimes I doubt whether buy rs account to or not.

I'm not claiming Momentum should be as good as abilities. Not at all. In fact, as I stated before, Momentum shouldn't exist at all. However, the ****** system we have right now is what made Momentum a requirement for many players. If they actually took their time in perfecting the EoC, Momentum wouldn't ever be needed in any situation.Do I need to sell runescape accounts?

I may come off as extremely rude, and I apologize for that, but as a game developer, I know when **** like this needs to be fixed as a priority. And unfortunately, the game developers that own RuneScape cannot see this.c

