
I'm not familiar with RP

If I wasn't already a guild master in a nice guild with all alliance races,  Buying world of warcraft account I would definitely start an all-draenei guild. My goal would have been to have us work through the dungeons and raids from level 15 to 90, while I would also be interested in lore-discussion, transmogfun and other things. I would have to have someone else taking care of the RP-part of this guild, if it was to have a RP-part, as I'm not familiar with RP. To keep interest alive, and survive as a dranei-only guild I think it would be wise to have it be a RP-guild. I daydream about setting up guild ranks (vindicator etc), how the guild crest would look, and all those small details.

Absolute class act, IC and OOC. WoW accounts for sale My encounters with this guild have always been really positive and fun. Finding them in the Exodar about a year ago now, when a friend and I were still deciding whether or not we were going to transfer to Wyrmrest -- and being welcomed into one of their RP events (despite being on really low level alts) was one of the most welcoming things I've ever encountered in this game.  And it helped make up our minds. 

So much much <3 from Klimma, and grats on the well-deserved spotlight!  My silly goat may walk a different path than most of her people, but it's awesome to know there's always friendly faces back on Azuremyst should she ever wander back.
Good to see a Draenei guild finally getting some recognition   They mention Elysium - that is my guild.  We were formed on September 1st, 2008, and we're still going strong today.

It was a bit strange when we first met Kharanei, several months ago.  To see another group of players who had the same sort of charter, goals, and theme set that you did, from an entirely different realm?  It was like that episode of Futurama where they traveled to the end of the universe.  I would have to say this is the only positive thing that has come out of CRZ.  We'd not have met their guild, otherwise.  I know a few of our members are also part of their guild, which is fantastic.  Helps to facilitate the sharing of ideas.

I encourage anyone interested in Draenei lore,
World of Warcraft accounts history, and how our individual guilds have helped further the story to check us both out.  Their website is listed in the article, and ours can be found here:

