
Threat Difference Between Mmonk and Warrior

Threat difference between monk and warrior (our composition) is really awkward. buy world of warcraft gold To keep building Elusive Brew and keeping Shuffle up, I need to attack. But to not overaggro I have to not attack. Also find myself waiting for three Sunder Armor in the start of the fight (I like to not start the tanking, to build up stuff), which is cute and nostalgic and all that, but not really fun.
 We're having some severe issues with swaps in our raid--even between tanks of the same class. These are experienced, well-geared, knows-what-they're-doing tanks, but the tank who starts off the attacks can way too easily pull back the boss with just white attacks right now. It's crazy.
Every taunt ability now increases all threat generated against the target by 200% while the taunt is active.
Those who participate in PvP Pet Battles should happily note that round timers will get progressively shorter for a player who takes more than 15 seconds to issue a command during their turn.

Any battle pet that could be rewarded from a Throne of Thunder boss in LFR will now be able to be won from a bonus roll as well.

