

 CRZ was a great Step 1, now comes Step 2. World of Warcraft accounts for sell Just because a hundred people on the WoW forums are crying out in impotent rage, doesn't mean CRZ is bad or hated by most players. Buy wow accounts  All the real downsides of CRZ will be (potentially - hopefully) corrected with this change, such as auction house issues and low numbers of people to group with and run raids or other content.
Things like competition for rares and resources aren't downsides - they're the intended result. Blizz doesn't want things in the open world to be easy to get just because you're on a low pop server; the game is designed for all servers to have healthy populations. They're just finding new ways to make that a reality.
WoW accounts cheap The point of my post wasn't to create an entirely-new CRZ discussion.  That's been done to death for more than a year now.
The point was that CRZ was a less-than-perfect solution that was met with a fantastical level of negative noise from players, even though others were patient with it.
This thing may or may not turn out to be another divisive, disappointing thing.  Or it could be the population salvation feature we've all been hoping for.
This is simply the next step. I told you so, days ago. After 2006 we had cross server BG's, in 2009 we had cross server dungeons, some months later the first cross server raids and finally in 2012 cross server open world play (seamless and without, even a loading screen putting DIFFERENT SERVERS into world zone play).
CRZ technology is incredible and it was never EVER implemented in ANY other landscape based MMO without loading screens and seamless play between avatars on different servers/realms.
Don't lie to me ever again. You are hurting my intelligence.
And now comes the next step: cross server AH's and guild recruitment through using cluster server techniques.
Fabulous undertaking. You are the proof of a typical Blizzard hater btw: always commenting in a negative way. Always.

