Blizzard have said countless times they're reluctant to change
the play-style of a class mid-expansion. safe wow gold So what do they do? Change two level 90 talents (one supposedly
because all Afflic locks are taking it -- why change MF, then?).
okay, that's a pretty drastic change that we've been used to since 5.1,
certainly 5.0 for those who took KJC. (FYI, it's not okay, but whatevs). So
we'd have to re-learn to get used to that.
counter this huge nerf they change how another ability works (Fel Flame) and
buff damage elsewhere. Once again forcing us to re-learn our play style.
is why I imagine most locks are angry -- certainly me, at least -- as the
constant nerf/buff cycle is getting too much. It's disparaging.
enjoyed playing my lock in Mists, even pre-5.1 it felt different and enjoyable.
The buff to KJC was hugely welcome and added a big chunk of fun to the class
and the Green Fire questline was (IMO) underrated but enjoyable nonetheless.
Now I honestly don't think I'll continue to play my lock when this goes through
as there's little to make me feel like a Warlock compared to my Mage or
Boomkin. And I was thinkin' on coming back to wow, guess not, pvp was now
kind of fun, warlock now being a moving piñata instead of a still one, guess
they're coming to being useless again.
Basically if you use mana you have to play with one foot chained
to the ground, but if your a hunter you can run and gun to your hearts content.
Good to be a hunter I guess.Can't they just leave the darn class alone for a patch or two? buy cheap wow accounts I've stopped
playing my warlock some time ago because i've literally had to re-learn how to
play it every other patch. and this has been going pretty much since late