wow gold for sell So now I have to
spec MM to have an interrupt?!?! (Scatter Shot does not work on many raid
mobs nor on any dungeon or raid bosses)
I'm aware of certain
pets having an interrupt but that requires the pet to on the mob that needs to
be interrupted. Anyone hunter responsible for a certain mob on multi-mob fights
(Horridon for example) knows that your pet isn't always where it needs to be to
do so. I'm so sad for my warlock. so sad. fast wow goldKil'jaden's
cunning was the only thing that I really feel like it made the warlock a unique
experience. Like he's made a deal with evil powers allowing him to do stuff
mage's can't. And man good luck to those without green fire now!
Flexible raiding sounds great, but I'd really like to see a 10
man version scaled down for 8-9 people, for those frequently frustrating times
when you just can't find enough people, even with pugging. There
was mention a few days ago that they're considering allowing you to clear trash
with 8-9 people, but bosses would still need 10. I don't know if that means you
won't be able to engage the boss with less than 10, or if it'll just stomp you
flat with less than 10.
They're still trying to make 'Shrooms worthwhile, I see. buy world of
warcraft accounts I wish they'd just throw in the towel on that - it's the core
concept of them (a heal that can 'miss' if the target moves) that's the issue,
not the details that they mess with every patch.
Shrooms were never meant to be a targeted heal though. They're
good for planning ahead for things, like times when you have to group up, etc.
I'm actually more interested in Genesis. It makes all those tossed Rejuvs into
quick heals instead of slowly ticking up.
That's the core problem, though - the fact that they *aren't* a
targeted heal. I never used them because there were so very few
situations where one of my normal heals wasn't a better choice. They can
keep fiddling with the dials on it, but they're putting lipstick on a pig.