Henry Brandon at least YOU tried it and play it so i can respect you opinion cause it is matureByno means D3 is awesome game,in fact it is not,but STILl you dont see me bashing it and spamming my "hate" to forums and fb pages.Especialy ia m not liek the ones that try SO HARD to flame itDiablo 3 items.
why would you side with the company who by your accounts didn't make an awesome game, and flame on the fans who clearly love diablo 3 accounts the franchise so much they are willing to spend time voicing out their frustration?
i dont have problem with PROPPER opinions like yours or Henry's.I do mind the BAD "opinions" that there is NOTHIGN more than flame and hypocriticism.Ow,and also immature comments against me that ahs NOTHING to do with teh game(see coments above,you will understant)As a decade long D2 vet, D3 was the most disappoint I have ever been in a game release diablo 3 gold for sale.
I don't play the game anymore. having played D1 D2 D3 I would consider myself a passionate fan of Diablo Franchise. But D3 was just so bad that I had to voice out my displeasure
its kinda like passionate hockey fans seeing their home team suck and start voicing their displeasure. same idea. we LOVE Diablo but just not Diablo 3!