
I'll be dedicating my gaming time to FFXIV

We posted a new blog update that gives the lowdown on all the happenings from the FATE in Hiroshima!Presenting the Patch 3.1 trailer! Patch 3.1 is set to arrive on Tuesday, November 10, 2015!&nbsp FFXIV Gil; Bad time to release the patch with Fallout 4 and the new Starcraft coming out. We posted a new blog update that gives the lowdown on all the happenings from the FATE in Hiroshima!  I thought about that, but then again it's 3.1. I'm all hype for that. I forgot about the overwatch beta also, but not everyone will be able to play it. Right?! Too bad, I already have Legacy of the Void pre-ordered.& Buy FFXIV Gil p; Or a good time depending on how you look at it .

I'll be playing Overwatch, but if I don't get the beta, then I'll be going back to WoW. I'm getting Falout 4 on a Steam sale later and I've yet to play more than two hours of SC2:HotS. pacman emoticon  I don't think they release content patches at optimal times, they patch them when they are ready..I'll be splitting my time between Fallout and 3.1. And by splitting I mean it'll likely be 70% Fallout and 30% 3.1 lol! Still debating whether I should upgrade to the Pipboy edition or not. A wearable pipboy that doubles as a smart phone case seems rather boss. I don't really care about Fallout 4(don't shoot me lol) but will be playing Legacy of the Void. Of course along side FFXIV and I guess Overwatch if I get into beta. I don't only play one game at a time lol.

Personally, I'm not much into competitive RTSs and I've always found Fallout to be grossly overrated, so I'll be dedicating my gaming time to FFXIV, but I know of many other people in my circle of FFXIV friends who state that it's completely silly that they'd ever be asked to "choose" one of them."Fallout sucks." Careful there bud, you almost cut me with that edge. Fucking loser. Calm down fanboy. I've never played fallout nor will I play fallout 4. I was just pointing out other big titles releasing that day.

