Does this game have a lot of the bots, gil sellers, and crazy low drop rates on hnms? This game is not what you are looking for Adam. It is nothing like FF11. It's garbage Buy FFXIV Gil . If you're looking for FFXI 2.0 this isn't it. The end game in FFXI was horrible. Way to many low drops, some hnm were just camped to death. As I said I don't know a lot about the mechanics of this game. I sure do miss my Paladin/Ninja and Blm tho lol. There no hnms on this game or camping at all its more of dodging mechanics and doing them without a fail sometimes or wipes...and yes this game was alot of gilseller but they just spam you on /tells most of the times , there no gilseller fighting v for stuff on this game, the end game stuff on this game is not as hard core as FF11 it's more casual and get boring after so many time you spam them but nevertheless I love this games and sure miss 11. If u may ask. How is all of the absolute best gear obtained. I lived in Dynamis for my Paladin Shield lol. It was hell to get.
The best gear in the game is usually gotten through the endgame raids which are difficult and normally require a static to run. Gear that is just under the best gear and helps do those raids are gotten through FFXIV Gils a currency that caps every week and it takes months to get a full set that way. Also the armor that is just under the best gear is upgradeable through some sorts of materials gathered in the endgame raids themselves or through catch up patches that are released after the endgame raids which lets you farm for decent gear or upgrade materials. Christian Vilches is spot on. This is more of a wow clone dungeon grind and nothing like 11 was.
Huh. That sounds cool. Is there things to help drops like I used to use my thief with the thief knife and other bosters such as MOG house enhance and such. Are there boosts one can use for crafting and things like I mentioned above? Or is it totally different in them ways? As someone who still has extremely fond memories of 11 (played 7 years) I would say play this. It's not XI-2 but it's still extremely fun. Unlike 11 a lot of 14 is solable except the dungeons and stuff, but the story telling and combat is really top of the line. I would definitely recommend you give this a go.