Your statement, JJ, comes across as "I'm not interested in it, so it's not worthwhile content." While everyone has a right to an opinion, it's also true that simply because YOU don't enjoy a particular aspect of the game doesn't make it any less viable for OTHER PEOPLE TO ENJOY.
Am I a hardcore pet-battler or collector/ No. I dabble once buy DFO gold in a while.
However, it's pretty sickening to see every time a new piece of content is offered that someone else has to drive down the superhighway of "I don't like it because I don't do it - give me X thing instead."
If you want to PVP, go do BGs, RBGS or Arenas.
If you want to PVE, go LFR/Normal/Heroic/Mythic.
If you want to quest, pick an area, go, and quest.
..but FFS don't down something just because it's not your personal cup of tea. If this wasn't your intent, then you have an opportunity to clear up any room for DFO Gold misunderstanding. *microphone drop*. It's starting to feel like a business who wants to engage their customers. It should be a game maker who wants us to get lost in their world and find new friends to discover it together. I have met 1 new person since it became World of Garrisons. Force the world to Mingle!
The funny thing? When blizzard makes it so you have to explore said world we have the people who want flying back come out of hiding and list why they shouldn't have to travel through the world lol. e interesting to see if there is a fix to a game where one was encouraged to overcome or fail with others to one that "dps isn't super high, vote kick". Maybe the problem is as players we become spoilt with success. Have we become antisocial as players? its called pvp do it and you will meet people.