

When are you going to be unbirthed, Shawn Alan, tell us, I don't want to get to know you if our progress is just going to get wiped. When are you going to be born again?  It's simple logic. Why would Neople waste time getting people their Alpha characters only to wipe Beta? They wouldn't because they aren't idiots.

It's not worth the time anymore. If he posts in the future it's better just to ignore him. Honestly if he's waiting for a wipe to happen to play, then he'll never play. Let us enjoy the game he'll never play.  The ignorant troll is at it again. So much he missed out on...too bad. Ya know? Why dont u do us a favor and 'wipe yourself' from the DFO FB Page, hmm? Not only are u a liar n a troll...but your presence is not welcome here. Its clear its no longer about proving u wrong as everyone including Neople has done so DFO Gold. Its about u wanting attention and just wanna annoy everyone for the sheer fuckery. I wouldnt doubt it if u already knew we were telling cheap DFO Gold the truth but u r either being salty cuz u 'cant' play...or u rly r but giving everyone the impression u cant. Either way, you're a pathetic excuse of a human being and u finding this game is by far the greatest mistake period ever period. If u wanted to become one of the most hated person in DFO, then congratufuqalations, u made it. Heres a half baked fuq u. Enjoy it well. They come in limited supply.

