Your statement, JJ, comes across as "I'm not interested in it, so it's not worthwhile content." While everyone has a right to an opinion, it's also true that simply because YOU don't enjoy a particular aspect of the game doesn't make it any less viable for OTHER PEOPLE TO ENJOY.
Am I a hardcore pet-battler or collector/ No. I dabble once buy DFO gold in a while.
However, it's pretty sickening to see every time a new piece of content is offered that someone else has to drive down the superhighway of "I don't like it because I don't do it - give me X thing instead."
If you want to PVP, go do BGs, RBGS or Arenas.
If you want to PVE, go LFR/Normal/Heroic/Mythic.
If you want to quest, pick an area, go, and quest.
..but FFS don't down something just because it's not your personal cup of tea. If this wasn't your intent, then you have an opportunity to clear up any room for DFO Gold misunderstanding. *microphone drop*. It's starting to feel like a business who wants to engage their customers. It should be a game maker who wants us to get lost in their world and find new friends to discover it together. I have met 1 new person since it became World of Garrisons. Force the world to Mingle!
The funny thing? When blizzard makes it so you have to explore said world we have the people who want flying back come out of hiding and list why they shouldn't have to travel through the world lol. e interesting to see if there is a fix to a game where one was encouraged to overcome or fail with others to one that "dps isn't super high, vote kick". Maybe the problem is as players we become spoilt with success. Have we become antisocial as players? its called pvp do it and you will meet people.
DFO F.Slayer class level guide
F Slayer had been on chinese server since.... 2013?& cheap DFO Gold; I have no idea but we should have F.Slayer cause this game is global and I know it is in Beta but DFO should let us know these things.
I was so hyped about this game, spent 3 days to decide I want to play f.slayer, I was really hyped about playing her, in the end she wasn't included and to add insult to injury we got the Knight at OBT2, who came buy DFO gold after f.slayer. I was really disappointed. I know the feels but do not worry we WILL get F.Slayer eventually so be patient and rack up the materials needed for when you do make your F.Slayer smile emoticon.I had to make the switch to katanas because of it. Whenever real avas come back ill return to the zan life. So ask for permanent Derange! Zerks gather and demand it! Permanent deranged seems really risky because you lose a lot of armor when using deranged. So? We constantly cast Derange to keep our power up anyway. So what difference would a perma derange do other than we cast it less? This man has my vote. Please make this their second awakening, I would die a happy man.
Fair enough. But if you're going to be so realistic and serious about it, then it makes one wonder about your level of imagination or tolerance of fun. You're often, if not always, WAY too serious. You really need to loosen up a little more.
Sure, ninja's aren't really the way they are portrayed in anime and video games, but so what? It's just a game or anime. You don't need to be so overly serious or realistic about it.
I was so hyped about this game, spent 3 days to decide I want to play f.slayer, I was really hyped about playing her, in the end she wasn't included and to add insult to injury we got the Knight at OBT2, who came buy DFO gold after f.slayer. I was really disappointed. I know the feels but do not worry we WILL get F.Slayer eventually so be patient and rack up the materials needed for when you do make your F.Slayer smile emoticon.I had to make the switch to katanas because of it. Whenever real avas come back ill return to the zan life. So ask for permanent Derange! Zerks gather and demand it! Permanent deranged seems really risky because you lose a lot of armor when using deranged. So? We constantly cast Derange to keep our power up anyway. So what difference would a perma derange do other than we cast it less? This man has my vote. Please make this their second awakening, I would die a happy man.
Fair enough. But if you're going to be so realistic and serious about it, then it makes one wonder about your level of imagination or tolerance of fun. You're often, if not always, WAY too serious. You really need to loosen up a little more.
Sure, ninja's aren't really the way they are portrayed in anime and video games, but so what? It's just a game or anime. You don't need to be so overly serious or realistic about it.
how to Increase the drop rate for dfo items
The price gold sellers are selling gold has tripled in one week. You are contributing to their profits by doing this. You are making it more and more worthwhile to farm gold and sell it. This is going to make DFO Gold the problem worse. There are many factors that contribute to the rise and and fall in value of a product, it's economy 101, supply and demand cheap DFO Gold . Closing the auction house has bottlenecked demand. Even though the gold sellers have billions upon billions of gold, you have restricted the gold economy, removing all the players' ability to make gold in the game. So what happens to a market when there's a lot of supply, but demand skyrockets? Price goes up. In this case a 300% increase.
The other contributing factors are that it is harder to sell gold, but it's still not impossible. With a 300% increase, it is worth it to pursue other ways to sell gold. This has done nothing to the bots, they continue to spam every channel with their websites, and they are more determined than ever to sell their gold because you have just tripled the profit from it. It is not players that you are attracting to this game, it's more bots and more gold sellers. You are killing your game, and there is little faith outside of facebook that the game will live on just because of these changes. You are forcing the players to buy DFO gold because there is just no other way to make money on this game. You could eliminate the auction house completely, and eliminate the gold sellers by just making gold more worthless. End game gear does not require gold, it requires running dungeons for drops. Increase the drop rate for items, then there is no need to buy 100 million gold just to 2-3 pink items from the auction house. Supply and demand.
When demand for gold decreasees, the value of gold will also decrease and it will also make it less worthwhile to bot and sell gold. You are trying to fix this problem by cutting off supply, you are not paying attention to the demand cheap DFO Gold, and that's why the bots haven't stopped, because you've increased demand. The bots have supply, trying to fight a war to limit their supply is just idiotic, hit the demand, and hit the gold buyers. Eliminate the customers and the product is useless.
The other contributing factors are that it is harder to sell gold, but it's still not impossible. With a 300% increase, it is worth it to pursue other ways to sell gold. This has done nothing to the bots, they continue to spam every channel with their websites, and they are more determined than ever to sell their gold because you have just tripled the profit from it. It is not players that you are attracting to this game, it's more bots and more gold sellers. You are killing your game, and there is little faith outside of facebook that the game will live on just because of these changes. You are forcing the players to buy DFO gold because there is just no other way to make money on this game. You could eliminate the auction house completely, and eliminate the gold sellers by just making gold more worthless. End game gear does not require gold, it requires running dungeons for drops. Increase the drop rate for items, then there is no need to buy 100 million gold just to 2-3 pink items from the auction house. Supply and demand.
When demand for gold decreasees, the value of gold will also decrease and it will also make it less worthwhile to bot and sell gold. You are trying to fix this problem by cutting off supply, you are not paying attention to the demand cheap DFO Gold, and that's why the bots haven't stopped, because you've increased demand. The bots have supply, trying to fight a war to limit their supply is just idiotic, hit the demand, and hit the gold buyers. Eliminate the customers and the product is useless.
When are you going to be unbirthed, Shawn Alan, tell us, I don't want to get to know you if our progress is just going to get wiped. When are you going to be born again? It's simple logic. Why would Neople waste time getting people their Alpha characters only to wipe Beta? They wouldn't because they aren't idiots.
It's not worth the time anymore. If he posts in the future it's better just to ignore him. Honestly if he's waiting for a wipe to happen to play, then he'll never play. Let us enjoy the game he'll never play. The ignorant troll is at it again. So much he missed out on...too bad. Ya know? Why dont u do us a favor and 'wipe yourself' from the DFO FB Page, hmm? Not only are u a liar n a troll...but your presence is not welcome here. Its clear its no longer about proving u wrong as everyone including Neople has done so DFO Gold. Its about u wanting attention and just wanna annoy everyone for the sheer fuckery. I wouldnt doubt it if u already knew we were telling cheap DFO Gold the truth but u r either being salty cuz u 'cant' play...or u rly r but giving everyone the impression u cant. Either way, you're a pathetic excuse of a human being and u finding this game is by far the greatest mistake period ever period. If u wanted to become one of the most hated person in DFO, then congratufuqalations, u made it. Heres a half baked fuq u. Enjoy it well. They come in limited supply.
It's not worth the time anymore. If he posts in the future it's better just to ignore him. Honestly if he's waiting for a wipe to happen to play, then he'll never play. Let us enjoy the game he'll never play. The ignorant troll is at it again. So much he missed out on...too bad. Ya know? Why dont u do us a favor and 'wipe yourself' from the DFO FB Page, hmm? Not only are u a liar n a troll...but your presence is not welcome here. Its clear its no longer about proving u wrong as everyone including Neople has done so DFO Gold. Its about u wanting attention and just wanna annoy everyone for the sheer fuckery. I wouldnt doubt it if u already knew we were telling cheap DFO Gold the truth but u r either being salty cuz u 'cant' play...or u rly r but giving everyone the impression u cant. Either way, you're a pathetic excuse of a human being and u finding this game is by far the greatest mistake period ever period. If u wanted to become one of the most hated person in DFO, then congratufuqalations, u made it. Heres a half baked fuq u. Enjoy it well. They come in limited supply.
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