
URL is invalid or blocked

I come home from work and I get this message! I had it once before I replaced all the original backed up files and it went away! URL is invalid or blocked

I read in the pligg forum to turn off auto url check to false so I did and I'm still getting the message! It doesn't matter what url I add I keep getting this message!

Turns out it's the empty space at the bottom of the local-antispam.txt there was three lines of empty space I deleted it away and the submit works again! Since I need to submit bookmark about diablo 3 account sale and runescape account, it has problem. If you want to solve it, insist on reading my SEO blogs.

I had the same problem today, I figured out how to fix it.

Usually, when you mark a person as a spammer, you list all of the websites that he ever uploaded as a spammer. I accidentally marked my self - god user - as a spammer and all of the sites I ever uploaded were blocked. Check the Local Anti Spam list on your server and clear off the sites you don't want to block any longer.

I am very interested to hear how it was solved....I have an issue with only 2 pages and they are good websites...

Btw - your link is not working...

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