
RS HTML beta is really wonderful

I am really loving the HTML5 beta. I really thank god that I buy runescape account to join RS Gold Premier Club

I only hope that the improvements on HTML5 and RS3 overall won't be delaying or slowing the other awesome content you've planned for 2013, aside from RS3. If you want to experience better gameplay, 
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Although it's still a long year to go, I would really want to see Jagex guys pushing it to the max with the lore (God content, new(er) quests and quest finales overall to be able to move on with the main content that changes the lore dramatically,...); and of course the other planned content you've mentioned earlier to be releasing this year; examples:
-new skills,
-more reworks (like the Construction skill, Falador, Black Knight's Fortress, Trouble Brewing and much more,...),
-more dungeons (Ranged Slayer Dungeon);
-completely new content (Fossil Island, God Content together with the lore changes following after The World Wakes);
-with quests, quests and more quests!

I understand that all the aforementioned future planned content is so much easier to release with RS3, but there are some things that should be set into motion soon like the gods returning, and the lore which isn't especially necessary release with RS3, although it would make it better in a graphical sense.

Like always, keep the good stuff up and remember to keep the community up to date with the awesome stuff you're planning this year!

