
Slayer Model task input interface

The slayer model is a spreadsheet tool that requires no download. It can be used to predict various outcomes of your personal slayer task list such as how long your goal will take and how many charms you will get. I have been testing slayer on and off for over 2 years and have created this tool, I hope you can make great use of it.

To use it you simply need to log in to your google account, click file and click make a copy and then you will be able to accounts for sale runescape edit your copy to suit how you prefer to slay.

The task input interface

The input should be self explanatory. Here you specify which tasks you do, block and cancel and how fast you kill the monsters. The default kills per hour are based on the fastest method to buy runescape accounts kill monsters, normally this means using a cannon, steel titan, overloads, prayers and abilities.

When changing which tasks are done and cancelled keep an eye on the E(Slayer points) output, this number is how many points you will gain on average per task assigned. If this is negative that means that the task list specified is not sustainable long term and you will lose points. You should aim to have a positive E(Slayer points) value unless you have excess points to get rid of. Players looking to optimise which tasks they block and which they cancel should look at the “Task logs” sheet to see how common each of the tasks that they wish to avoid are and block the most common of those to save points.

Input how many you kill per hour, you cannot simply put in your xp per hour but just use this to know when you have entered the correct kills per hour.

