As a runescape veteran, I am actually pleased with this update.
Excellent work from the Jagex team!
Recommendations: It's absolutely perfect but one feature.. the abilities. Out of all the era's in runescape, pre-eoc was by far my favorite. Returning Special Attacks, and depleting abilities will absolutely sky-rocket your sales.Jagex must earn a lot from Runescape accounts selling.
I highly recommend the Jagex team creating a pole asking if you want the Abilities to stay, or if people want the Special attacks and pre-eoc combat back.
You do this in the 07 game, so I would suggest you do it here.
Very proud of you Jagex, absolutely phenomenal work.If more improvements made, there will be more players searching for cheap runescape accounts.
When does this release for sure into the live game?
Its is also a bit annoying having AWSD rotate the camera. The camera moves if i happen to type in the chat with those letters.
The camera should be able to zoom out more. Default is zoomed in a little too much, making it hard to see at times.
The options menu should have its own button. It is fairly difficult to find ( just a small little button at the top right of menu bar.