
Runescape 3 is laggy hopeful

Hey when are talk going to bring back the old school look to runescape all this change is pretty lame. do you really runescape accounts think its going to take seven weeks for saradomin to win? cause he already has a win. because if it was free to play, everyone would play that and hardly anyone would pay for members.

Will it be like the last AMA when only Runescape accounts for sale positive questions were answered? might just ask him why did they piss around with th einterfaces in rs3... You people commenting suck. It's a vast improvement of EOC at least. Woot! Enjoying RS3! A bit tricky to get used to but buy runescape accounts excited for it!  i like the new UI i can put stuff where ever i want. but the new update is too much for my back up graphics card. my Nvidia burned out and RS before the update was all it could handle. now i cna barly move in game its lagging so bad.

 mod pleas get gdw 07 runescape.  Runescape 3 is laggy hopefully you guys fix  I really like the updates(but haters are gunna hate) but the only thing I would like to be put back as it was, is the logo icon for the client... I don't much care for the new one.

