To be honest, I personally would rather have dailies. Did
we have a few too many at the beginning of mists? Yes, but this open
ended stuff is just not for me. Buying world of warcraft account I do love exploring, yes. But I also enjoy having some
direction. If I'm going to have to jump out of game and look up on
wowhead what all I can do on this island, that's a bit frustrating to me.
That's my concern, too. You'll have parties of players
roaming the island killing rares during peak hours, but other than that...
there's not much of any reason to be there. Dailies in and of themselves are
fine. WoW accounts for sale Dailies where they are the only way to get rep, and recipies and
a personal resource farm are not. they feel mandatory, esp when they are the
only way to spend VPs.
So I'd like a mix, but with multiple OPTIONS, not a mandatory
(or seaminglly mandatory) path to progression.
5.1 was one of my favourite patches in WoW. The way they told
the story was fantastic. The story was engaging. The ability to re-do those
quests on any future character is great.
By contrast, 5.3 was quite possibly the most boring content
patch, in my eyes. Aside from a few interesting quests there's no real lore.
Just go to Barrens and kill hundreds of dudes to collect hundreds of things 'at
your own pace'.
I could get much more gold continuing to do the Isle of Thunder
dailies every day, and it only takes me 20 minutes per day. More VP in the long
run, too. Plus a chance at the treasure scenario. Cheapest WoW accounts As it is, the Barrens holds such little reward for the time
invested compared to the Isle of Thunder. Depending on the rares and treasure
chests at Timeless Isle, it COULD be worthwhile going there...but I can see
myself still hitting up the Isle of Thunder more often than visiting the new
isle, after the honeymoon period.