I said it was best looking "to me" that's an opinion. Buy Blade and Soul Gold No critic is a fact, by nature they are opinionated. The controversy on it's origin bothers me as well but until we get an official statement from NCsoft I'm not going to grab a pitchfork and join everyone else who can't even be bothered to link a source to their claims. On a side note, what is your favorite from here? A lot of them are really great.
They could still probably out dps you. On a side note, majority of people think wonerland outfit is lame and copied . Cheezecake Aion thanks appreciate the sources, Cheap Blade and Soul Gold I want NCsoft to respond to this. Maybe during their next livestream. You're gonna be waiting a long time. Gl getting one before you're dead. It took them 2 months to even make a folder for all the entries, and through all he threads and fb posts about cheating, Nc didn't say 1 word. Yeah.
Fair enough, soul fighter response was "dont ask" for loke 2 months then suddenly "its out tomorrow!" This is all they said on the matter: Rukkirii said:Greetings,Thank you for your feedback everyone. We will be taking your feedback to the team for discussion.and then not a word was heard again (that I saw, but I don't read the forums there all that often).