*sighs*.......i was hoping for slutty, not classy escort >_> If
you want to see boobs you can just watch porn. i meant that for genders
both female -and- male Blade and Soul Gold .but thank you for assuming i was some sex hungry
hetero male gamer by all means... One I voted for didn't make it. I quit
anyway so meh. Please someone tell me how long the sale lasts! Those 5
costume are the best! Epic choice!! I thought best friend was limited?
Wtf was the point then? ...
How about fish tail you want . Lol please don't have this contest then make it a PvP reward again I swear I'll quit this game after all that's happened recently. Also agree with this. Buy Blade and Soul Gold I really hope it'll just be buy-able or a reward from the daily dash. I actually hope they make the top 3 for each region as more outfits = great. Is there a way to check how many entries are there at the moment? I don't even want to try if there are 500000000 entries made already...
Are we able to see the designs at all? Want to have a look at them before we get to voting. Too namn kaso waley din a yaw NEA I patch eh kea sun boring. I was anxious to participate, until I read the rules... How is it possible that the contest is only for players from North america and mexico? What about all South Americans players? I asked in the Forum and they deleted my post... thanks for nothing...
Yo dawg we need more yukatas or joseon-era stuff. tomorrow at 2 PM PDT for a preview of Shadows of the Innocents with Jonathan Lien and Bethany Stout! How much of the story will be ltered/removed/ censored from this patch? Faction 7 channel full cerulian.