I already purchase the free slot voucher but where is it,i can't find it and when i back to character lobby its said i dont have voucher for add new slot. the hrs spend to grind for item is crazy only to find that you need to grind for more inorder play the game further this is insane thank god i quit this soul suck game.
And you do realize if you dont have a certain amount of ap Blade and Soul Gold you will never be able to find a group ? Ok Ncsoft, let's clear things up. The game has problems and the main problem that is making people quit is GEARING UP. It's too damn expensive and the gap between new players and vets is insane. You are losing money, not making more money forcing people to play 10hours/day or spend $500 to gear up.
You gotta do something about that, quickly. How? Lowering the costs of all upgrades UNTIL legendary by minimum 50%.
GET RID of RNG on Soulstones Plains,Buy Blade and Soul Gold it's completely frustrating to farm for 4 hours and get only 2-3 keys.. When we work and go nowhere we quit, you know that right? Many people already gave you the EASY and fast solution, put the SSP key on faction vendor for 30 Prestige Points. It'll NOT break the market, it'll help a lot the players and make more and more people to play Faction stuff and work together.
RNG event will NOT solve the materials problems. Nico clearly is NOT prepared to manage anything in this game, does he play it? Doesn't seem so. The Merchant of Wonders is amazing only to get the outfits, because you can't count that as a help on materials.