Steven Laing no one cares about a carebear rage quitting a PVP! Game because they got killed by another player. If the only people quitting are people like you then good. Me and few million other players didn't quit. We still playing strong. Don't know what server you are on.
I've been in 2 large guilds that dwindled down to a few active members due to people leaving the game. The game obviously will always have players but it would be foolish not to see the wasted potential Blade and Soul Gold for success had it been handled more efficiently by a better team (ArenaNet anyone?). In case you're wondering, I'm from Mushin. Vincent Bloom IKR it's so bad seeing so many boys crying over a game OMG I'm so new and still loving the game It's going to take me a very long time to figure out my skills but all in good time and my own time. tired of seeing these boys posts always crying or salty LOL grow up Act like a man hahaha.
Miguel Avila Millions? in what server are you? most are ghosts towns that require cross server for a few mins in Queue to even get a dungeon going. There are too many issues for me to type out, so I'll keep simple. Fix your game and listen to your community. If you are going to pump out content this quickly make the upgrades costs cheaper. (no stupid half assed event, I'm looking at you Nebula Stone) So casual players like myself have a chance to catch up with the current content. I like the idea of bringing new content to the game, I hate the thought of not being able to do them.
I agree. Buy Blade and Soul Gold I hate this new event. Should just give everyone a discount. I'm caught up but running into issues because I don't like pvp so it takes forever to upgrade gear or not at all because getting kicked from the new dungeons because AP is under 608532170 million . Guy on starfall told us on faction if you can't dedicate 12+ hrs a day then quit game because we are time wasters I'm guessing a lot quit but didn't log to see in 4-5 weeks.