
I really wanna play BnS

Hello Blade & Soul team. this is off topic but i did write on beta forums without any reply. Everytime i try download the client directly from the site or via email link it keeps telling me server not found. I had to remove launcher from computer as it kept failing to update. Been like this for about 3 weeks now. I got a error like this when I did not apply cbt code properly cheap Blade & Soul Gold , you have to apply the code in two different places, once when you enter it and once to apply to your account. If you did not have a code for any of the betas it would give you the same error Buy Blade and Soul Gold .

 Hi i need upgrade my founder but website getting error always ? I wanted to buy but Dont have In Mol point .  just a sec i cant download and play the game for now ? Delgado excuse this game is free or how mucho i need to pay for play the wonderfull videogame. ok ty but do u have any idea where i can download?? Ahhh okok in january 19th they going to give us the link for play and open the betas mmm ty.

 I really wanna play BnS... ive watched plenty videos from youtube.. and this game rocks! hmm.... I have a question.. im from the phillipines.. can i download this game on january 19? is it free? (sorry for my english). Yes. In fact, the full game should be available for download several days before the 19th. And you will be able to play completely for free. Blade and Soul will be free to play with no IP plock except for Russia (CIS region). The game will go live on January 19th 2016.

You will have only two options. This is to play on the NA server or the EU sever. There is no plan at this stage to host a local server in your region. You will play with high latency, which makes it basically unplayable. Nathan Jarrad Conti wow yey! i can download... play.. and its free.. im happy to know that.. looking forward to january... kiki emoticon hmm ill test the latency first before signing in the petition.. but thanks nathan for that info..


I have the Founders Blade and Soul Pack

Why are'nt you giving more beta keys? how can players see if this game is good if only limited players can try the CBT..make it free to play then put some in game cash items if you want to earn money..let more players test if this game is really good so that more players can support and endorse it to other MMORPG FAN-ADDICTS! this game is only for the upper middle class. Cheap Blade & Soul Gold so this game only certain people. It should be in ur Mail box , if not go to Nc support >blade and soul > game support > there u will see the download link!  Same man from Singapore, Fail to connect to server. Before release i emailed them and there is no IP block. probably server side problem?   We want to play this game untill next next year. No. There are no ip blocks, and anyone can play on the servers. The NA and EU just indicate where the servers are located....

 I have the Founders Pack now how do I download the client... can someone please help me. You must have figured it out by now...
But in case you're still pulling your hair out, log into NCSoft, and go to the BnS Support page, it explains everything. On the support forum website.  i just got my account locked due suspicious activity?! what the hell, Blade and Soul Buy Gold i was already having problems trying to use steam games while leaving blade and soul open D: wtf is this can't even summit a motherF* ticket cuz it wont let me logging.  how about they figure out how to tackle the Fps problem.

What fps problems? The game runs so smooth its crazy grin emoticon u might need to get a New rack or download the latest driver or something. i have downloaded all the latest drivers just to be sure. its even been optimized through my graphics card. I have a GTX 780m, 32Gigs ram, i7 intel core, i should run run it fine but when i get the game started 12fps max.  I'm not really sure ! But , mine laptop is only with 8gb , gtx 670 , i7 and I can run it at max setting with 55-60 fps! Mostly at 60 fps except when getting into boss fights 6 man dungeon I get around 50-55 ! U might check ur battery or ur driver!


Blade & Soul really impressed

Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue'' how can I solve this?? Being able to enter and leave open world pvp in a couple of seconds is a terrible system. People can enter pvp when they feel like it, kill some people, then leave in 5 seconds. Amazing combat yet you screw it over with Cheap Blade & Soul Gold a terrible system that lets people pussy out of pvp whenever it's convenient for them. If people choose to enter pvp, they shouldn't be able to leave it straight away.

I got a key for this beta weekend, but I have no idea where to download the client. You can go to the main website and find in support, I remember it was there. Hopefully release won't be this laggy, fps dropping mess. I can't download like many of my friends too
If u've link download Eu server share it or way to buy game.

Blade & Soul i must say im really impressed... i played the korean version and now i see you guys made lots of great changes im loving and i will support this game for sure Some people get pretty unfair advantages to get the keys. I don't like that.  The sites that do actually guarantee you a spot in the closed beta cost money Buy Blade and Soul Gold . The ones that only give you a chance, out of over thousands are pretty low. Both my friend and I had failed to get one, even by chance by email from the official site. they can't publicize the hundreds of websites that were giving away keys, that's on you. MMORPG gave away like 10,000 and all u had to do was go there and click to redeem .  I tried that. One of them (the most recent one publicized on the page) required me to sign in. I did and after that, it led me to some other advertisement page, with no way to retain the user name and password after I return to the site.

 I got mine from MMORPG. Site was slow and by the time I registered and got a key it went from 6k+ to 800+. The keys went fast. the framerate is somewhat lower than the build i played on the China server unsure emoticon i have to play it on medium graphics now... and it seems there is alot less polygons also. Already streamed some beta...will do again later smile emoticon btw the camera can be changed to free motion so we can have a better view shile "flying" or see the front of the character?